Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Whew!! Whirlwind Summer!!

Hey guys! I've had a few friends and family ask me what I've been up too with the ZACC in the last week and a half! So, I'm sending a teaser...

I've compiled some great photos, and even a VIDEO from the kids' African Dance Camp from their final performance, and it is fantastic!!  I've also learned how to fire pottery in the kiln!! I'm so excited about was my main goal while working at the ZACC, and I'm getting some awesome tutelage from Linds, the ZACC's fireMASTER! While, I'm still a total rookie at this delicate art, I'm so excited to finally have my foot in the door on this learning process.

This week's camp is working with the Missoula Urban Development (MUD), and is painting a mural on one of their tool sheds, and have learned how to make recycled paper with flowers embedded in it...a total hit with the kids. :) 

Also, we're working on our Boys and Girls club free art classes on site on Thursday's, so that has been fun. On Saturday, the 20th, is the East Side/West Side Block Party hosted by the ZACC, but it is going to be a HUGE event for the whole city. Tons of food and beer vendors will be there, not to mention the events, music, free art projects, presentations and fun!! So, if anyone is around here and wants to stop by, please do! It'll be a blast. You can find me at the ZACC information table from 4-6 pm. I'll tell you everything you need to know!

So, there's a quick teaser for you! Sorry for the delay, family--those other classes are keeping me hopping!  More to come soon by way of visual satisfaction!

Until then...have a great rest of your week!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the "teaser," Katie. So many interesting and fun activities!
