Thursday, July 4, 2013


         I hope everyone is enjoying their 4th of July Independence Day celebration, today!  I haven't written for a apologies! I've been really busy and have been collecting some pictures for you guys to enjoy. So, I'll be hitting you with quite a few different photos of classes, things I've been up too and the ZACC itself!

        The picture above is a gift to the ZACC from the Intro to Acrylics summer camp two weeks ago! It looks FANTASTIC! The kids really enjoyed this camp and made a lot of really unique paintings. They studied and painted everything from still life to abstract. It was a pretty awesome camp.

NEXT WEEK...The morning campers will be studying and performing African Dance! At the end of their week they are going to put on a performance. I'm going to be getting pictures of them in their homemade masks and outfits!  And the afternoon campers will be working on Art Installations and Sculpture. I can't wait to see what all they do. I'll be helping with the afternoon class as I work from noon to 5:00, so I'm hoping to share some sweet installation and sculpture shots with you guys from that camp.

So, as promised in the last blog, here are some pictures of the Fun with Felt and Dye camp creations. Again, Melissa did a fantastic job with this camp and I was absolutely amazed at what the kids made. So, here is their felt "show" that is currently on display in the ZACC!

Aren't these awesome!?!?
Two weeks ago the morning camp was Art Projects Inspired by Famous Artists.  Here is a picture of their "show" that is on display in the ZACC. They studied several artists, and then were asked to choose three favorites and do their own work modeled after the style of the famous artists they'd chosen. A few examples of the artists they studied are Andy Warhol, Jackson Pollock, Pablo Picasso and Georgia O'Keefe.


So, I realized that many of you that have been emailing me and Facebooking me about my blog haven't actually been to the ZACC, so I have taken some pictures to show you the facility a little bit so you can see where I've been working! The first posted picture is the front desk area; so when you walk in you're greeted by that big awesome painted sign the campers made for us!  Then, you'll take a right and walk down the hallway posted above that has all of our Felters' work posted...then further down the hallway past our Artist study works posted directly above...and then you walk into our CERAMICS STUDIO!! 


Sorry the pictures are so small!  Yikes... But I hope you guys can see enough to get a mental picture of where I'm spending a lot of time. People from the public come in every day throughout the day and choose different pieces of ceramic from the shelves (as you can see there is a lot to choose from) and they glaze and decorate their chosen pieces and then I apply clear coats to all of their work, and fire them in the ZACC's kilns. The fired pieces are usually ready for pick-up within five days. It's a very popular community "fun" thing to do! We have all kinds of people who come in to make themselves something, or make a gift for someone special. Pretty cool, huh? If anyone wants to see something more clear, let me know and I'll snap you a shot. I'll also take a picture of some of the fired pieces so you all can see a sampling of what people do.  You can also get fist size lumps of clay and form your own pieces of art which we will fire, then you come back and glaze!  
Here is one example of what I do there...

I had to make a few Thank You cards for our generous donors. All cards are handmade that we send to anyone who donates up to $50. So this was one of my small projects on Tuesday. In between help with the summer camps, I'm going to be learning more techniques for loading the kiln for our firings. Learning the kiln is one of the biggest things I'm trying to get out of this internship, because as an art educator, that will be my responsibility with my classes and it is something that has been removed from the Art Ed Methods courses, so I'm so stoked that I'm getting an opportunity to learn how to do it through this internship!

Well, that's about all for now!  I'll be back with you guys again next week for updates.  Have an awesome holiday weekend everyone, and again, Happy Independence Day!!!




  1. I love that first picture. I need to do something like that for my house. But what word ...?

  2. Oooo...I don't know, but we could definitely make one for Scott that says, "Farmin'"!!! haha

  3. Thanks for the pictures of the ZACC facility; they help me to imagine better where you, the instructors, and the students inspire one another to create.
